1. Queen Mermaid is finished
On Sugar Maple Fabrics First Kiss, with the recommended DMC but with the Kreinik braid swapped for Petite Treasure braid. the beads were bought for me in exchange for some wallpaper I had lurking in my store room since the last house (9 years next month). I do love barter!
2. I started and finished Tree of Stitches by Abi Gurden
This was on a piece of Wood Violet 28ct Jobelan with a riot of pink silks from my stash box plus a green , brown and tan to add an accent. I was aiming for the amazing double pink cherry blossoms we will soon see here and that grow in profusion locally. I think I pretty much nailed it. This is about to be simply mounted and hung on my work room wall.
3. Started and got up to date 'The Great Escape' again by Abi Gurden. This is not as technically accomplished as ToS but I was struggling with my eyesight and fatigue at the time so it is not that even. Normally, I am pretty good technically but this year I've been challenged.
Wol is actually a lot further on than this photo suggests. He now has his wings, feet and an escapologist mouse. I'm waiting for the next part (12) as this is a real fun stitch. I've gone for a greys theme on pink linen with SNC Mississippi Mud, Bronze Age Green, and Wood Smoke plus Waterlilies in Cocoa.
4. Permin Windmill Sampler has quite a lot done on it now with tulips, a ribbon and another windmill to show. This is a fun stitch as well and simple to so even when my eyes play me up as I can see the holes easily!
6. Passione Ricamo Galatea (aka the Butt-crack Mermaid) She now has most of a tail and I've started on her tail flukes. Photo next time but the camera has flat batteries and I don't want to wait on writing this post as I actually have words today.
I've been sort-of productive recently. Despite the pain et al, I lose time on Pinterest regularly and have finally started a lust list on there of projects I want. It is started but by no means complete. It's a bit eclectic to say the least.
That's all for this time. More photos in a few weeks!