Sunday, 8 April 2012

WIPocalypse 4 - the endings and beginnings

First update this month is the one that I've worked on almost more than any other.  I've found that sitting in my workroom away from the TV and most interruptions works wonders and I can stitch for a it longer without being distracted!  It's Holland Springtime Mandala by Chatelaine Designs and to my chagrin, I've been working on this for 4 years.  For the record, it's not going into a 5th year because it is almost finished.  ALMOST!! 

Second update this time around is a new start - Skeleton Crew by Cross Eyed Cricket.  I've been holding off starting this because I really wanted the gorgeous proper linen for it.  I opted to compromise as being able to afford the linen any time in the near future is a non-starter.  It's on the same green evenweave that A Canadian Journey is on.  At least it gives a decent contrast.  I'm contemplating replacing the light green in the windows with light green beads to provide a little eerie twinkle.

Third update is PR Galatea.  I stalled on her because I kept finding colours were missing from her bag (my own fault) so I must knuckle down and work on her this month

I've finally finished Summer Queen for Hilary after promising to do so for an age.  i don't want to admit to how long but it is an embarrassingly long time.  That said, she is finished and awaiting a dunking before she goes back to Cambridgeshire as she is a grubby majesty at the moment!

I also started and stalled on Just Nan's Great Expectations.  I should admit that I had the chart for 6 years before starting it so a little longer won't hurt.  I just get annoyed with the confetti stitching and the constant stop/start of the process even if it will look fabulous when it is finished.

Last but not least is the Permin Windmill Sampler with two mills now complete bar for the back stitch.  I'm now working on the ribbon and heading down the side of the piece.

That's about if for this update.  Hopefully in 4 weeks time I might have another finish to report!